How to Prevent Your Site’s Emails from Going to Spam

Virtually every website these days sends automated emails.  Whether it be for newsletter signups, Magento order confirmations, or forum posts on WordPress, your site will send out emails on a regular basis to your visitors. On occasion you may hear reports from your users that they are not receiving your site’s emails, or they are landing in their spam folders. Keep in mind that this info is coming from users who take the time to notify you directly; in reality a great number of users may be affected. Here are several techniques to eliminate your site’s emails from being marked as spam.

APIs: Modern Power and Potential for your WordPress or Magento Site

APIs are everywhere. Their growth since their inception in software development decades ago has now become exponential. They are an essential tool for modern web developers to build powerful web applications. They are so prevalent that now usage has bled into other non-development business scenarios like marketing and data analytics. A popular aggregator for API services is Programmable Web, where currently there are over 20,000 unique API tools, and that number is growing faster and faster every day.

Designing for a Mobile Environment

Increasingly people are spending more and more of their time on their mobile devices and less time on their desktops. While the Wordpress desktop design is still important, mobile has become more of a priority than ever. So, let us take a dive into some of mobile design’s best practices.

Getting Rid Of Gutenberg: How to Revert to the Old WordPress Editor

How to Revert to the Old Wordpress Editor

WordPress 5 is the latest major update to the internet’s most popular content management system. It is perhaps the largest change WordPress users have ever had to deal with for one reason: the new block editor, Gutenberg.Gutenberg is WordPress’s attempt to compete with up-and-coming drag-and-drop website builders like Wix and SquareSpace. These tools let everyday users build websites from the front end, where you can immediately see each and every edit exactly as it appears to your visitors.

Common Website Development Roadbloacks


Creating a new website is a thrilling process. A website can go from back of envelope concept to launch in a short period of time if done correctly, especially if a user-friendly content management system like WordPress is used. However, more often than not a web development project will hit a sizeable roadblock or two along the way, turning that thrill into frustration. Here are some common pitfalls to progress that we have observed over the years.

What is UI Design?

UI Design (User Interface Design) is a term that’s thrown around a lot, but what does it actually mean? Simply put, it is the design of the user’s visual experience. This entails the design of an app or Wordpress site’s screens, buttons, icons, images, text, and any other elements a user will see and engage with.

WordPress for Email Campaigns? Opt for MailChimp, Constant Contact, or Aweber

You’ve built an amazing WordPress website, created a social media marketing strategy, and are now eager to build a mailing list to connect with your customers via regular email newsletter campaigns.  You love WordPress for managing your website’s content as well as countless other bells and whistles, so you assume it’s also the best tool to manage mailing lists, newsletter templates, and marketing campaigns.  However, in this instance, your best approach is to stick with the folks who specialize in those functions, specifically a professional email marketing service such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or AWeber.

Google’s Medic Update: What Is It and How Do I Recover?

Google Medic Update: What Is It and How Do I Recover?

Over the past few months, tons of search engine rankings have been shifting around significantly. Older sites that have ranked for a while are losing the top spots, and a lot of newcomers are showing up higher than one would expect. All of this is related to Google’s latest “Medic” update, one of the largest … Read more