Enhancing Website Security and Performance

Security and performance

There’s a widely quoted and (typically misattributed) sentiment that works are never truly completed, only abandoned. This applies to website development as much as any other project but when it comes to the former, it is as much of a warning as a statement of integrity. A website that isn’t being actively maintained is a security risk and potential threat to an organization’s online presence, reputation and the data of their users and clients.

Managing links on your WordPress site

Web links were probably the first feature of the internet that made is stand out from other media. The ability to click on a word and be referred to another document with more information about the topic remains a very powerful concept. Search engines still use links as one of the primary tools to understand and rank your website. Here are some thoughts on how to make the links on your site work to your advantage.

Handy Free Online Tools for the WordPress Website Hobbyist

WordPress Website Hobby

One of the many wonderful things about WordPress is that its barriers to entry are very low.  Anyone willing to roll up their sleeves and spend a bit of time viewing YouTube tutorials can build up a site themselves using the many available WordPress themes and plugins and create and manage their own content.  While we certainly recommend working with a professional team whenever adding new features/plugins to a site (especially when needing to modify code), and we recognize that not everyone has the time or disposition to take on the work themselves, we also know there are those who like a “hands on approach” to their website, and for those we present you with a list of useful tools and resources to help along the way.

New Year’s Resolutions for your WordPress Website

With the new year comes the opportunity for a renewed and better you.  So too is the opportunity for a new and better WordPress website.  Use the following as a checklist for the new year (or anytime) to ensure your website is in tip-top shape.