From Good to Great Design for Your WordPress Site

Design on the web can seem to be changing at warp speed. Thankfully, we’ve moved beyond the worst of the worst of the beginning days of website design. But now that we’ve mostly filtered out the lowest common denominator, where do we go from here? What does stepping from good design to great design in your Wordpress site look like?

How Gestures are Changing User Experience Design

It wasn’t all that long ago that a WordPress site experience was ruled by the clicks of a mouse, but as time moves on, so does technology. Now a user’s experience of a site is highly shaped by the gestures of the swipe, pinch, and spread. Who would’ve thought? It’s easy to use these gestures everyday without thinking too much about it, so let’s take a quick look at what some of them are.

What is UI Design? – Design

UI Design (User Interface Design) is a term that’s thrown around a lot, but what does it actually mean? Simply put, it is the design of the user’s visual experience. This entails the design of an app or Wordpress site’s screens, buttons, icons, images, text, and any other elements a user will see and engage with.

UX Laws that can Improve Your WordPress Site’s Overall User Experience – Design

As the world becomes more screen focused, the amount of energy put into crafting a smart and thoughtful user experience becomes more important. The overall User Experience (UX) is the design of the information organization and architecture, and the User Interface (UI) is the visual elements and design. There are many UX design principles that … Read more