Advanced intake forms with Gravity Forms

Company websites are often considered just a promotional tool. In reality a well designed website can improve your office productivity. How? Through carefully thought out intake forms. Gravity Forms allows for highly customized forms and accepts online payments from your WordPress website. It can create database records, pdf documents or even custom posts based on … Read more

Thinking About Building Your Own Website?

Considering creating a new WordPress website or hiring a website development team to create a personalized site for you? Whichever route you choose here are some things to consider: Purpose and Goals It’s important to clearly define the purpose of the website and establish specific goals. Whether it’s to sell products via e-commerce, provide information, … Read more

5 things to check for after your WordPress website has been hacked.

It can happen to anyone. Despite your best efforts your WordPress website can become compromised. Once you recover the content of your website and restore its proper functionality, here are a couple of other important things to check for to protect yourself from recurring attacks. Install a security plugin If you have not done so … Read more