Selecting the Ideal Payment Solution: A Comparison of Braintree and Stripe

As a website development company, we have successfully integrated various payment processing solutions tailored to the unique requirements of businesses. A few of our highly preferred payment processors are Stripe and Braintree, a subsidiary of PayPal. We’ve discovered that Braintree and Stripe offer benefits to businesses of all sizes, from large and complex businesses to … Read more

Thinking About Building Your Own Website?

Considering creating a new WordPress website or hiring a website development team to create a personalized site for you? Whichever route you choose here are some things to consider: Purpose and Goals It’s important to clearly define the purpose of the website and establish specific goals. Whether it’s to sell products via e-commerce, provide information, … Read more

A WordPress site that works for your office staff.

A lot of businesses think of their website purely as a marketing tool designed to attract customers and neglect another very important benefit – making your office staff happy. There are actually countless ways in which your WordPress site can help the efficiency of your back office. The most important is the ability to collect … Read more

WooCommerce Subscriptions and PayPal Standard Don’t Mix Well

We have been using WooCommerce Subscriptions on WordPress sites for quite some time. It has generally served our clients quite well and is relatively easy to implement, especially if you are already using WooCommerce. However, we have discovered some significant drawbacks to using the default PayPal payment option. You may want to reconsider using it when building a new WooCommerce Subscriptions site.

The Power of Subscriptions in WordPress

If you think subscriptions aren’t a good fit for your WordPress website, you might want to take a minute to consider all the possible uses for the subscription model. It’s easy to hear the word “subscription” and dismiss the topic because you associate it with traditional subscriptions to things like magazines, newspapers, etc. But the subscription model is far broader and much more versatile than that.

Migrating Away From Magento: A Case Study


Any Magento store owner knows that Magento is a very powerful and useful system. However, that power also comes with significant challenges, especially when compared to simpler platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. These challenges multiply when you use the Magento Cloud. With the expiration of Magento 1 support, many Magento store owners are scrambling to upgrade their sites to Magento 2. Unfortunately this is far from trivial and in our experience is almost always a very long and challenging task. It is understandable if a Magento store owner may be thinking about migrating from Magento.

Migrating Subscribers and Recurring Payments into WordPress

E-commerce can be complicated, tricky and is absolutely essential for many modern websites. Sometimes, we encounter clients for whom getting things set up right the first time was so challenging that they just don’t ever want to mess with it again, let alone try to migrate to a new site or even a new platform. So they end up settling for what “works” instead of figuring out how to make it better.