Secure Your WordPress Site with Wordfence –

As of March 20 2015 WordPress accounted for 60.3% of all websites with a defined content management system (CMS) and an estimated 23.9% of ALL websites in the world (Per That is quite an impressive number, but not surprising given how easy it is to create a site with WordPress and perform powerful functions … Read more

WordPress Multisite: Building a Network

We often talk to our clients about how powerful WordPress is, and that it has grown leaps and bounds from its humble beginnings as a blogger-centric platform.  One great example of the robust nature of WordPress is the ability to create a network of sites all driven with a single WordPress installation by using the … Read more

WordPress maintenance – how to keep your WordPress website up to date

Keeping your WordPress website up to date is important for the security of your system, the compatibility of your software, and accessibility of your visitors. The benefits of an up to date website are numerous. A modern website with up to date software is less likely to experience hacking or spam. Older software is at … Read more

Website contact information: a key to success

Obtaining contact info is a common reason for visiting a website. By evaluating the needs of your visitors, you can strategically present your contact information for the benefit of people and search engines. Know your visitors and the type of contact information they commonly desire. The hours of operation are important for a local restaurant, … Read more

Boost Your eCommerce Site with WordPress SEO Enhancements

Maximizing your WordPress or Magento store’s performance involves more than just attractive web design and a robust product catalog. Implementing strategic SEO enhancements on your WordPress platform can significantly boost your site’s visibility, drive more traffic, and increase sales. Here’s how you can optimize your eCommerce site using proven WordPress SEO strategies. Optimize Your Product … Read more

Manage Events With WordPress Plugins

If you are involved in an organization that routinely hosts events and meetings, WordPress can make managing these events a breeze through the use of plugins such as WordPress Events Manager and Event Espresso. Forget about coordinating trips via tedious and confusing emails or selling tickets through awkward third party applications and take control of … Read more

The WordPress Form: How can I build mine so that people actually use it? –

Forms. They are the worker bees of the internet. They allow your visitors to communicate with you. They turn that computer screen into a conversation with you and your company instead of just a spectator event. So knowing what makes forms tick is important. This blog post is all about some of the more interesting … Read more

Tips for making ecommerce shop management easier –

Managing an ecommerce shop requires staying current on a variety of topics. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to stay up to date on orders, stock, questions, comments, security, and content management. With the help of useful tools built for your ecommerce system, you can setup your website to make important data more accessible. With some … Read more