Selecting the Ideal Payment Solution: A Comparison of Braintree and Stripe

As a website development company, we have successfully integrated various payment processing solutions tailored to the unique requirements of businesses. A few of our highly preferred payment processors are Stripe and Braintree, a subsidiary of PayPal. We’ve discovered that Braintree and Stripe offer benefits to businesses of all sizes, from large and complex businesses to … Read more

Thinking About Building Your Own Website?

Considering creating a new WordPress website or hiring a website development team to create a personalized site for you? Whichever route you choose here are some things to consider: Purpose and Goals It’s important to clearly define the purpose of the website and establish specific goals. Whether it’s to sell products via e-commerce, provide information, … Read more

Project Management for WordPress

In the role of a Project Manager specializing in WordPress website development you are entrusted with multiple responsibilities that span the project’s lifecycle. This includes contract negotiations, scoping, time management, resource allocation, effective communication, and client management. It is important to recognize that certain principles are vital for ensuring the success of any WordPress development … Read more

Dealing with Card Skimmers in Magento Platforms

Combatting Card Skimming in E-commerce During the Holiday Shopping Season As holiday shopping intensifies, so do the attempts by malicious actors to hack e-commerce sites. High traffic volumes during this period present prime opportunities for disruptions that can severely damage your business reputation and customer trust. Card skimming, traditionally a physical threat, has evolved into … Read more

Adding Extensions to Your Magento Store

Magento is a powerful e-commerce platform, and like any other type of site, it requires using multiple extensions and modules to provide the full online shopping experience.  These products cover fundamental aspects, such as adding shipping restrictions, to more sophisticated offerings, such as building and managing a customer loyalty program.  If you want your site … Read more

Staying Secure With Magento

Are you concerned about Cyber Security?  If you are operating an online store front, you should be.  Magento is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms, which makes it a good target for malicious actors.  In this post we’ll briefly review some of the most common security threats to Magento platforms, how they can be addressed, and why having a team like ours can help ensure the safety of you and your customers.