Embracing AI in Web Development: A Glimpse into the Future

AI generated image of a robot building a website on a laptop at a desk.

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on various industries is undeniable, and the realm of web development is no exception. As we delve deeper into the possibilities, it’s evident that AI is poised to revolutionize the way we approach building and managing websites. Incorporating AI into content creation is increasingly common, with tools like ChatGPT … Read more

Thinking About Building Your Own Website?

Considering creating a new WordPress website or hiring a website development team to create a personalized site for you? Whichever route you choose here are some things to consider: Purpose and Goals It’s important to clearly define the purpose of the website and establish specific goals. Whether it’s to sell products via e-commerce, provide information, … Read more

Are homepage sliders still in style?

Having a homepage slider, sometimes called a slideshow or a carousel, was considered a “must have” for all “modern” websites in 2010’s. Catchy images, call to action buttons on each slide, fancy animation. Styles, fashion, and needs change. The big sliders are officially considered outdated. Here are the reasons why: Does your homepage include a … Read more

Project Management for WordPress

In the role of a Project Manager specializing in WordPress website development you are entrusted with multiple responsibilities that span the project’s lifecycle. This includes contract negotiations, scoping, time management, resource allocation, effective communication, and client management. It is important to recognize that certain principles are vital for ensuring the success of any WordPress development … Read more

How to Design a Website Layout Without Any Experience

Three people designing a website layout on paper with markers and a laptop

The best website layout is the one that makes it easy for users to accomplish their goals. That means that the best layout design is going to be different for each website. If you’re not a professional web designer, it can be hard to know what’s going to work best for your particular site. And even when you do make a decision on the layout design, how do you know if it was the right one? These few steps will help you through the process of designing a layout for your website.

How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

Designing a website is a lot of work, but redesigning a website can be even harder. When you start fresh, you don’t bring any baggage from an existing website. When you redesign, there are pages and pages of existing content you have to account for. What do you keep, and what do you change? How does the old content fit in with the new? These questions go on and on, and what started as a simple design change turns into a complete audit of your existing site.

How Is Building a Site Like Flipping a House?

Snake Oil Salesman

It may sound counter-intuitive, but the successful completion of a web project requires more than just building a website: it is a balancing act of fulfilling a client’s expectations within a specific timeframe and budget and making sure it works across a wide array of browsers and devices.

Squarespace vs. WordPress – Which should you pick?

Squarespace is like a paint-by-numbers kit, and WordPress is like an entire art store (including the paint-by-number kits, if that’s what you want). As long as the picture on the box is exactly what you want, the paint-by-numbers approach might be perfect for you. But if you want a platform with unlimited room to grow, and expand, and develop your site, then WordPress is a better fit.

New Year’s Resolutions for your WordPress Website

With the new year comes the opportunity for a renewed and better you.  So too is the opportunity for a new and better WordPress website.  Use the following as a checklist for the new year (or anytime) to ensure your website is in tip-top shape.