How to Write a Blog Post – WordPress

women blogging

WordPress is our favorite content management system for a whole host of reasons. It works as a fabulous framework for everything from eCommerce to Learning Management and has a solid architecture in place that allows it to be competitive with any stand alone web software for any application you can imagine, while still retaining flexibility … Read more

Basic WordPress Vocabulary for Beginners

Do you hear people talking about WordPress and have hard time following the conversation? Do you have a WordPress website and are not sure what it’s made of? Below is a glossary of the most commonly used terms in WordPress. Child Theme – A Child Theme can be installed alongside a main theme. Developers will … Read more

How Secure is Your WordPress Site? Tips and Insights

WordPress Security

It’s no secret that websites are a favorite target for hackers. The ability to compromise a site through a plugin, unpatched security hole, contact form or a thousand other ways can open the door to a veritable online crime spree.  It’s also an unfortunate fact that WordPress sites are a favorite target for hackers. While … Read more

A WordPress site that works for your office staff. – Forms

A lot of businesses think of their website purely as a marketing tool designed to attract customers and neglect another very important benefit – making your office staff happy. There are actually countless ways in which your WordPress site can help the efficiency of your back office. The most important is the ability to collect … Read more