Magento vs WooCommerce

Note: this post has a more recent incarnation complete with our learning and new adventures with Magento vs. WooCommerce Magento vs WooCommerce? For many, the first important decision when building an e-commerce site is determining which platform to use. There are numerous platforms and services available, but from our experience (and we have a lot … Read more

Membership Websites

Question: We have a small membership that uses our website regularly. They currently pay us by sending in a check or credit card annually, and we process those payments as part of the membership. We have content that we’d like to make available to members only, and we see some possibilities for different levels of … Read more

Enhancing Magento Performance

Magento is fast becoming an industry leader in open source ecommerce. Its native ability to administer multiple stores from a common backend and powerful built in features makes it a popular choice for medium and large scale businesses. However, the gain in power comes at a substantial price: performance. Magento’s complexity requires a great deal … Read more

Website redesign

Reasons for website redesign range from “Our current website is keeping us from achieving our business goals” to “Hey, why do we still have a spinning globe on this website? Is it 1999?” and everything in between.  Regardless of the motivation for a site redesign, we at Watermelon Web Works bring twelve years of experience … Read more

Ensuring PCI Compliance: Essential Guide for Ecommerce Websites

How to Achieve PCI Compliance for Your Ecommerce Website The convenience of Ecommerce for both buyers and sellers is undeniable. However, the transmission of credit card data over the Internet introduces significant risks. To counteract these risks and protect against fraud, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) have been established. All Ecommerce sites … Read more

E-commerce: Improve Your Conversion Rates

Conversion rates. If you are a seasoned ecommerce entrepreneur, you know them well. On an e-commerce site, in its simplest form, conversion rate means “how often do people buy from your store instead of just visiting it”. This list will give you one or two (or eleven) ways to increase your e-commerce conversion rate: Charging … Read more