Free Shipping: Boost Your E-Commerce Conversion Rate

Some facts about e-commerce are less obvious than others. Many newer e-commerce operators would be surprised, for instance, that how to charge for shipping is one of the most important questions for an e-commerce store. It can be the difference, in fact, between an e-commerce site that is profitable and one that is not. Conversion … Read more

Enhancing WordPress Security: Protect Your Website from Vulnerabilities

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In today’s digital landscape, website security has become a paramount concern for businesses and individuals alike. With WordPress powering over 40% of all websites globally, ensuring the security of your WordPress site is more critical than ever. High-profile security breaches like Heartbleed and various Zero-Day vulnerabilities serve as stark reminders of the potential risks lurking … Read more

Membership Websites

Question: We have a small membership that uses our website regularly. They currently pay us by sending in a check or credit card annually, and we process those payments as part of the membership. We have content that we’d like to make available to members only, and we see some possibilities for different levels of … Read more

Structured Data, and Why Your Website Needs it –

Structured data is a new tool for the search engine optimization web developer, and something that you absolutely need to be using in order to keep your site at the top of search engine results. There are three main kinds of structured data available for use: microdata, microformats, and RDFa. Since microdata is the structured … Read more

Basic WordPress Security: Protect Your Website from Hackers

A state-of-the-art website equipped with cutting-edge SEO and functionality can be rendered useless if it falls victim to hackers. Such breaches not only create operational headaches but can also cause irreversible damage to your business’s reputation. This is particularly critical for ecommerce platforms, where a security compromise can result in losing customers permanently. Proactive Security … Read more

Top 5 Essential WordPress Plugins for Your Site

WordPress is the most popular content management system on the planet. That means that there is a whole ecosystem (more than 26,000 of them) of plugins developed for the platform. Here are five that we recommend to our clients and use often. Events Manager Events Manager is a full-featured solution for managing events and locations, … Read more