Why and how to keep your WordPress website up to date

Keeping your WordPress website up to date is important for the security of your system, the compatibility of your software, and accessibility of your visitors. The benefits of an up to date website are numerous. A modern website with up to date software is less likely to experience hacking or spam. Older software is at … Read more

Boost Your eCommerce Site with These Essential WordPress / Magento SEO Enhancements

Maximizing your WordPress or Magento store’s performance involves more than just attractive web design and a robust product catalog. Implementing strategic SEO enhancements on your WordPress platform can significantly boost your site’s visibility, drive more traffic, and increase sales. Here’s how you can optimize your eCommerce site using proven WordPress SEO strategies. Optimize Your Product … Read more

Manage Events With WordPress

If you are involved in an organization that routinely hosts events and meetings, WordPress can make managing these events a breeze through the use of plugins such as WordPress Events Manager and Event Espresso. Forget about coordinating trips via tedious and confusing emails or selling tickets through awkward third party applications and take control of … Read more

Tips for making ecommerce shop management easier

Managing an ecommerce shop requires staying current on a variety of topics. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to stay up to date on orders, stock, questions, comments, security, and content management. With the help of useful tools built for your ecommerce system, you can setup your website to make important data more accessible. With some … Read more

Add 5 New Ways To Get Customer Feedback

One of the most important things a business can do to improve is listen to customer feedback. Instead of waiting for the occasional compliment or customer complaint, you can be pro-active and add more communication channels to facilitate feedback. Here are five of our favorite ways that customers can get in touch online. 1) Forums … Read more

Why you need a Landing page and not just a Home page

Search engine optimization can be so tricky. If you’re trying to educate yourself, you will read lots of different things from different people. That’s why we share only SEO knowledge that we’ve gained through direct experience. Enhancing your website’s performance with a landing page falls into that category of search engine optimization. Instead of a … Read more

Local SEO & Google Authorship: two must-use strategies

There’s an online marketing joke, “A SEO writer walks into a bar, bars, pub, public house, drinks, beer, wine, liquor…” Fortunately, those days are almost over. Google is constantly trying to improve their search results with updates to their search algorithm. With each change, online marketers are forced to adapt their tactics. There are two … Read more

WordPress Website Security

In what seems like it should be viral marketing for the next James Bond movie, we’ve seen Heartbleed and Zero Day. The past couple of months have had some severe reminders that website security in general – and WordPress website security specifically for more than 19% of websites – is more important than ever. Earlier … Read more